04 December 2012

Big businesses win with new property tax cut in NB

The Alward regime reaffirmed its commitment to eliminate its deficit by 2014-15, with a budget including public sector wages freezes, the tightening of expenditures in K-12 and post-secondary education, etc. Indeed, K-12 schools have been told to operate on a 70-75% budget this year (to see what happens?). In the meantime, Minister Fitch announced that his administration would relinquish an estimated $49 million in property taxes for businesses, farms, rental properties and cottages. As we all know, NB is awash with cash.

"Program expenditure restraint is necessary to balance the budget on target because the government projects significantly slower revenue growth in the future than was the case in the recent past." RBC, "New Brunswick Budget 2012," March 28, 2012. <www.rbc.com/economics/market/pdf/nbbud2012.pdf> accessed Dec. 4, 2012.

VoilĂ ! Now, it makes a lot more sense. The government needed to make savings somewhere in the budget to pay for its Christmas presents to Irving Oil and Paper, PCS potash, Point Lepreau, the Malls, NB Power, Costco, Home Depot, etc.

Watch, as this plan further milks dry the 99%, and the economic conditions become increasingly dire, they'll say that NB needs more economic stimuli to create jobs, like corporate tax cuts and fracking.

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